
Showing posts from February, 2015

New Changes

Happy Thursday everyone! I just wanted to let you know of some changes coming up for the blog.  I just changed the title of the blog.  Also from now there will be weekly updates by the end of the day on Sundays and I may post more often if the mood strikes.                                                                    

Love Your Life

Hello again loved readers, I have been away for three months "living life" as I have come to like to describe it as.  Actually a friend of mine described my situation this way and it instantly put a positive perspective on what I have been going through.  It inspired me to write a three part series of love: love your life, love your body and love yourself.  I decided that without these types of love in your life you are at risk for spinning off precariously and no one wants that. I want to spare you the gory details but to sum it up I met someone and we made grand plans to move in together. I decided to jump in whole-heartedly with both feet and hope for the best.   I was divorced from my first boyfriend/first love about 7 years ago and this was the first time I chose to risk it all and open up to someone since then.  Even though I did not know this person long at all, we had a great connection and great chemistry, it felt right in my heart.  It quickly went down in flame