
Showing posts from June, 2014

Loyalty is Royalty

Happy Wednesday! "Loyalty IS Royalty" I came across this quote this morning.  At first I laughed, but then I thought about it for a second.  There is a lot of truth to this and not just for relationships but for every part of our lives. We have all had issues with loyalty, or really the lack of loyalty.  I have definitely been guilty myself of cheating or betraying someone.  Usually it was not intentional, it came from my lack of sensitivity and selfishness.  It has a profound effect on the people we hurt.  It causes us to have trust issues from that point on. It becomes hard to believe that it won't keep happening over and over again.  Then we end up jaded with our walls up to prevent the disappointment of being let down again.  Being defensive or overly self-protective is the biggest hurdle to intimacy.  So, it's really a big snowball effect.  Ew. If you think about it, royalty is the perfect way to describe someone who ...