
Showing posts from 2014

Give Those Thanks

One thing I have come to love and appreciate about life is how beautifully unexpected it can be. I've been looking at my life and myself a lot differently lately.  There are a lot of big changes happening for me right now.  I've been desperately wanting to talk about it but I had no idea where to start.  I saw this article  and it definitely pointed me in the right direction.  I instantly realized that the anxiety I was feeling and pressure I was putting on myself wasn't about the big events happening to me, it was about my attitude towards them. Some people love change, they thrive on it.  Others hate it and avoid it at all cost.  I have always loved change and mixing things up just for the sake of it.  Any kind of change in my life used to fill me with this excitement and joy for the future.  It was my way to really dig into what makes me happy and know deep down I was getting closer and closer to it.  However, lately it is com...

Elegance in Simplicity

Happy Friday! I have been on writing overload since I started school again.  Between mass emailing at work and writing 15 page papers my fingers sometimes do not want to type one more word. However, we always seem to find room for the things we love.                                 I had a conversation last night that really opened my eyes to something.  We were up late discussing work and I made the point that it seemed like the more money you made the easier your job was (most of the time, of course there are exceptions--doctors, attorney's and CEO's come to mind).  I was referring to the fact that as I move further along in my nursing education I will get to move to the more "cushy" side of the nursing world.  Yes, more responsibility can be stressful but you don't have to do all the grunt work.  I won't be physically running my butt off every day and having to deal with unp...

Authenticity is Sexy

                                                           The definition of being authentic is synonymous with genuineness.  My question today is that in our society of social etiquette and political correctness do people even know how to be genuine anymore? When I say being authentic I mean being true to yourself regardless of how others will perceive you.  I recently, by some fun luck, met someone who reminded me how great it is to just be who you are.  It reminded me of my younger and less jaded self when I didn't care how I was perceived.  I found out then that either people loved me or they didn't.  The people that did stuck around and are still in my life.  The people that didn't I was better off without.  The best thing about the old me is that is when I was the happiest.  I was being na...

Love Notes

Looooove: We all want it.  Few of us find it.  Even fewer hang onto it. I want to talk about something interesting.  I didn't know what but once I started writing I knew my inspired fingers would crank something out.  Right now they just want to ask a lot of questions. You have to ask the questions, then live the questions and sometimes the answers still don't come.  That's what life is about: questioning, experimenting, and learning.  Ultimately that leads to growth, at least I think that's the way it works.  Let's do this. How do you know when you are in love? How do you know that person loves you? How do you know they are the person meant for you? Is there more than one person that can be meant for you? Some people never find true romantic love but they find love in other places.  Or they do find it but lose it and hold that memory for the rest of their lives.  Maybe it was unrequited love (boy do I hate that term!).  Peop...

Make Deep Roots

"When the root is deep there is no reason to fear the wind." My yoga studio is so awesome.  Every day they post a quote with the schedule on Facebook, and every time it reminds me there are no excuses for not going to class as often as I want to.  I call it passive-aggressive guilt, very effective.  This is the quote for today, "when the root is deep there is no reason to fear the wind."  Deep I know, it sounds like something Yoda would say.  It spoke to me and I wanted to engage in a little one-sided conversation about it.  This past year has been interesting to say the least.  Let's just say a lot of life has been happening. Since this time last year I have been through a second heartbreak, depression, applying to grad school, struggling with addictions (don't get all judgie-- we all have them.  It can be alcohol, food, exercise, tv, smoking.  Whatever it is you use as a crutch or safety net), losing friends, making new friends...

Loyalty is Royalty

Happy Wednesday! "Loyalty IS Royalty" I came across this quote this morning.  At first I laughed, but then I thought about it for a second.  There is a lot of truth to this and not just for relationships but for every part of our lives. We have all had issues with loyalty, or really the lack of loyalty.  I have definitely been guilty myself of cheating or betraying someone.  Usually it was not intentional, it came from my lack of sensitivity and selfishness.  It has a profound effect on the people we hurt.  It causes us to have trust issues from that point on. It becomes hard to believe that it won't keep happening over and over again.  Then we end up jaded with our walls up to prevent the disappointment of being let down again.  Being defensive or overly self-protective is the biggest hurdle to intimacy.  So, it's really a big snowball effect.  Ew. If you think about it, royalty is the perfect way to describe someone who ...